Cookie policy

We use cookies, but only for a better browsing experience.

What are cookies?

Almost every professional website uses cookies: small files that are transferred to your computer in order to provide you a better browsing experience. You find more information in this Wikipedia article on HTTP cookies.

Our cookies

When you subscribe for one of our events or when you contact us through the online form, cookies will save your data. You can use these data when you subscribe for another event or when you contact us again.

Our website also uses cookies from trusted third parties. Google Analytics among others: these cookies remember how long you're surfing on our website and what pages you're visiting. That way we can continue to bring you fascinating content. You find more information on the official Privacy Policy of Google Analytics.

Adapt cookies?

Your web browser allows you to switch off cookies. You can also ask for a warning when cookies are installed and/or you can delete cookies afterwards. Consult the help-function of your browser.

If you switch off cookies, this website won't show certain features. Therefore we recommend you tune in all cookies.