Michel Vandenbroeck

Actually, it is Prof. Dr. Michel Vandenbroeck. But back when he was just Michel, he was pioneering at VBJK. Among other things, he drew Bartolomew, a black/white comic on the last page on the ultimate professional magazine on childcare, and he wrote several books. After writing The view of the Yeti, Michel became so curious about the history of childcare that he just kept going. This search ended is his doctoral thesis: an analysis of childcare in Flanders, from 1845 until actual policy. Since then, Michel is a professor at the Ghent University.

Besides being VBJK’s chair, Michel is also chairing the university department of social Work and Social Pedagogy, one of our structural partners. He teaches family pedagogy. I his research on policy and practice on families, Michel still has his focus on young children. At the Ghent University, he also guides VBJK colleagues in their doctoral studies on processes of in- and exclusion of children and families in childcare, pre-primary education and parental support.


For further inquiries, contact prof. PhD. Michel Vandenbroeck.