Man and women working in mixed teams

This manual is linked to VBJK’s campaign to get more men in childcare. How to attract male workers in this sector? And when you do get men in the team, how do you keep them and integrate them in what is often an all-female team?

Process of change

This manual supports the process of change: from recruiting to division of work, from mentoring to dealing with resistance, from stereotypes to communication with parents. It contains concrete tips and ideas and also four exercises to do with colleagues.

Male ECEC professionals

The manual gives ready-to-use suggestions to support male newcomers in childcare, in the team, and in working together with parents. You can download it for free in this website.


The manual is a result of cooperation with among others VESOC and the Flemish Women’s Council.

  • French version | Pour des femmes et des hommes dans les équipes éducatives. Guide à l'usage des structures d'accueil de l'enfance
  • German version | Frauen und Männer in einem gemischten Team. Leitfaden für Kindertagesstätten
  • Italian version | Uomini e donni in un team educativo misto. Guida per le struttore d'accoglienza dell'infanzia

More information?

Get in touch with Sandra Van der Mespel


