Parent participation: fathers count too!

It seems so evident to get parents involved, while aiming at mothers and fathers. Of course, fathers are involved in raising children. And still, it is good to add that little extra effort to reach out to fathers as well.

Father involvement

This manual starts with explaining how important father involvement is and profesionals’ attitudes in this matter. How do practitioners relate to the many different family types? What do they really think about the men-women balance in families? How can practitioners promote and support that involving fathers is important?

Action plan

The manual also contains practical tips and suggestions. E.g. use ‘dear mothers and fathers’ on invitations instead of ‘dear parents’. Make an analysis of the activities you organise: when are they scheduled, where do you have them and what kinds of activity do you mostly organise? This manual even has a tool to measure father involvement. Getting a correct view on contacts with fathers allows you to take targeted action.


  • French version | Participation des parents. Les pères sont également concernés
  • German version | Auch für Väter!
  • Dutch version | Ouderparctipatie, ook voor vaders!

More information?

Get in touch with Sandra Van der Mespel


